Thanks to Bora.


28 Responses to “INFINITYFACE”

  1. wow. Very well made image!

  2. Lisa says:

    There is no god.

  3. Will says:

    omg, i thought it was goatse…

  4. -2! says:

    MY EYE(s)!

  5. That is unbelievably freaky!

    Yet, so awesome!

  6. BRMBug says:

    My brain is insane now.

  7. Pinka says:

    he has made my photoshop skills look like MSpaint skills

  8. Beaver says:

    i see the lips,

    and i think of the rocky horror picture show

    even worse!

    my mind hurts!!

  9. Lauren says:

    What would life be like without Bora?

  10. lexi says:

    oh, the horror.

  11. some-random says:

    one word…. Woah….

  12. Not Cory says:

    That is… mind-rending and hideous. Still, somebody has some Photoshop muscles to flex, and be proud of.

  13. claudia says:

    WHERE IS THE BACK OF THAT FACE'S HEAD?! is it part of the face? is it being eaten by the face?

  14. Nigel says:

    You should animate it into a .gif and make it spin.

  15. Moop :D says:


  16. Cam says:

    How do you shave with your face like that?

  17. Angela says:

    omg….lmao…!!! i dunno what else to say! very cool! i'm sorta speechless…..awesome doesn't really cover it…..


  18. What? I love infinityface – keep it on the front page

  19. ; says:

    I'm not even going to TRY to understand that picture.

  20. says:

    F*ck my life thats creepy

  21. Goreat says:

    Does it have muscles?

  22. Willdood says:

    It's like… It just simultaniously enslaved, controlled, created, destroyed and saved mankind. I don't know whether to love it, hate it or worship it.

  23. Sara says:

    Did it take Bora fifteen seconds to show you how to do that?